The Kiwi harvest is in full swing across the central and southern regions of Chile.

by Ignacio Rodríguez

At the peak of the Chilean grape season, Subsole’s team excels in harvesting across Central & Southern Valleys.

by Roberto

Subsole celebrates its historic first season of Sugar Plums

by Francisco Barraza

Subsole ignites the start of Copiapo Valley’s new season with the first harvests of Chilean table grapes.

Packing Las Juntas

Savor the fresh Subsole Pomegranates, ready to captivate with their delicious flavor.

by Loreto Lara

Subsole kicks off a vibrant Avocado season in the fertile valleys of the O’Higgins region of Chile.

by Natalia & Gonzalo

From Copiapó to Maule, the people of Subsole work hard to ensure the production of grapes of the highest quality.


The use of clean energy is one way Subsole shows respect and appreciation for the environment.

by Alex

Starting from a blank page, Subsole’s mission is to give back to the farmers and to the environment, in return for its bounty.

by Juan

The cutting-edge packaging line at Hijuelas packinghouse has kicked off its second Citrus season with resounding success.

Videos por Darwin

We congratulate Alejandra for obtaining the Guacolda award for the 21/22 season.

Rossana, Verónica, Alejandra & Juan

The Kiwi harvest has begun in the central and southern regions of Chile.

por Equipo Subsole: Darwin & Gonzalo

Citrus growth control now is made using new Subsole’s mobile apps.

por Equipo Subsole: Darwin & Natalia

Operating at full capacity, the Citrus packaging line at Hijuelas packinghouse now features delightful Mandarins, as the Clementine season concludes.

Foto y Video por Natalia & Teresa

Subsole kickstarts an exciting Cherry season early, harvesting the delectable Santina variety.

por Loreto & Rosario

Citrus season is underway in Coquimbo mountain valleys, as well as the countryside of Valparaiso and Metropolitan Region of Chile.

Foto por Natalia

Subsole, now a member of the Frutura family of companies, is further supported in its longtime commitment to ESG.

por Equipo Subsole: Valeria

Starting from a blank page, Subsole’s mission is to give back to the farmers and to the environment, in return for its bounty.

por Equipo Subsole: Natalia & Katherine

In this story, the true heroes are the members of the Subsole team because of their hard work and commitment to the environment.

por Equipo Subsole: Cristian & Anita

Subsole’s new state-of-the-art cherry packaging line, is now fully operational at the Olivar Plant.

por Equipo Subsole: Guillermo

Subsole’s avocados from the Limarí Valley reach full harvest, just as the company’s citrus season comes to a close.

por Equipo Subsole: Natalia & Stefanía

The harvest and packing of early grapes in the fields of Copiapo valley has begun.

por Equipo Subsole: Gabriela & Andro

After years of drought, much‑welcomed snow has brought Subsole’s northern orchards back to their full potential.

por Equipo Subsole: Darwin & Valeria

Subsole is a book that never stops being written, with stories of entrepreneurship & innovation for the common good.

por Equipo Subsole: Oscar & Marcela

Subsole’s team kicks off their vibrant Table Grape harvest in Chile’s North & Central Valleys.

by Roberto

The table grape harvest has begun in the central valleys of Chile.

por Equipo Subsole: Cristian

The table grape harvest has begun in the southern valleys of Chile.

por Equipo Subsole: Valeria

Subsole hosts successful workshop for growers on implementing GlobalG.A.P, Add On GRASP, and Tesco Nurture in the Supply Chain.

Fotos por Karina

The Future of Fruit®

The Future of Fruit®